Posted On 22 Dec 2020
Keeping an eye on your own mind-body wellness is vitally important to personal health, wellness, and happiness. In essence, we are all responsible for our own health and overall wellness as each day we make a myriad of choices that affect both. Certainly, there are some things we cannot change, as is often the case with some disabilities and health conditions. However, there is so much we can do to provide self-care that promotes longevity and quality of life. We decide for ourselves what we eat, what we do, the places we go, and the people we choose to have around us. All of these go a long way to make or break a healthy lifestyle. We also are able to decide what we think about, what thoughts we entertain, and which ones we evict.
Here is a list of 10 Ways to Promote Mind-Body Wellness:
1. Try not to take yourself too seriously
2. Purge your relationships with anyone who is toxic to you
3. Be sure and surround yourself with positive people
4. Don’t overbook yourself
5. Monitor your stress level daily
6. Take prescription meds only as directed
7. Take over-the-counter medication sparingly
8. Get outside for fresh air and Vitamin D
9. Be sure and get 7 or more hours of sleep per night
10. Walk or exercise regularly and eat a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables
The tips provided here are simply meant to be a guide for healthy living for people, both with and without physical or mental illnesses or disabilities. They are designed to serve as a guide to help establish a healthy daily rhythm and direction to prevent mind-body illnesses from taking root.
Starting with good mental health practices, or ‘mental hygiene,’ it is important to take a breath and not take yourself or life too seriously. Practice being kind to yourself daily, in mind and body by avoiding toxic people, surrounding yourself with positive people, and being respectful of your own time. Keeping a pulse on your stress level will let you know when to pull back and when to forge ahead. In terms of physical wellness, be sure and only take over-the-counter medications as needed, take medications as prescribed by your doctor, get lots of sunlight and fresh air, plenty of sleep, and cap it all off with a healthy diet and daily exercise. Both your body and mind will benefit from doing these things, and you can look forward to maximal functioning in mind and body.
Check out our Stress Workshop. Also, our compassionate and caring team is ready and waiting to help, so contact us today to make an appointment.