Posted On 14 Sep 2020
I remember that it was a beautiful Saturday one Spring morning. I woke up early because we had a 7:45 a.m. tee time at a golf course we enjoyed and knew it like the back of our hands. Our group was enjoying the fresh air and the beautiful view. As I was looking around, a group of pine trees seemed to sneeze and a green cloud of pollen was released.
OMG…panic!!! My allergies! I’m going to need immediate allergy relief!
What allergy relief? I don’t have my pollen allergy remedy with me…my day is ruined!
If you are like the rest of us, you also suffer from allergies and some months are worse than others. Some suffer from allergies year-round. Others are more sensitive to particular seasons that can make them feel worse. While you may be assuming that Spring is the worst time for allergies, you may be surprised to find that Fall and Winter are just as bad, depending on the type of allergies a person suffers. Seasonal allergies are very common and probably experienced by most of the allergy sufferers.
Allergy Statistics
Did you know that according to statistics, over 30% of adults and 40% of children in the US have allergies?
One estimate of the annual cost of allergies to the businesses and health care system in the United States is $18 billion, according to Below are other interesting allergy statistics:
- More than 50 million Americans suffer from allergies each year.
- Rank of allergies among other leading chronic diseases in the U.S.: 6th.
- Odds that a child with one allergic parent will develop allergies: 30% to 50%.
- Odds that a child with two allergic parents will develop allergies: 60% to 80%.
- Number of weeks by which the ragweed pollen season increased between 1995 and 2015 in U.S. and Canada, likely because of global warming: From 1 to 3 1/2.
- Number of people who visit the ER each year because of food allergies: 200,000.
- Average amount of time that Americans spend indoors: 90%.
- Percentage of indoor pollutants in U.S. homes versus outdoor pollution: 2 to 5 times higher.
- Percentage of U.S. households with one or more dogs (2017-18): 48%.
- Percentage of U.S. households with one or more cats: (2017-18) 38%.
- Percentage of all U.S. households with detectable levels of dog and cat allergens: 90%.
- Percentage of children in 2015 who reported hay fever symptoms in previous 12 months: 8.4% or 6.1 million.
- Percentage of children in 2015 who reported skin allergies (eczema, hives) in previous 12 months: 12% or 8.8 million.
Do you see the above numbers and why there won't be an allergy relief solution at the root problem any time soon?
Searching For The Cure
As an allergy sufferer, at the beginning I didn’t know if I had a cold or what because I never had allergies…but then when I confirmed it wasn’t a cold, I started looking for nature cures. If I can fix this without prescription drugs, that is the ideal situation for me..overall I needed allergy relief!
That’s how the quest started for me in searching for natural allergy relief, a holistic relief such as apple cider vinegar (apple vinegar fixes everything), anything natural, and if it fixes my allergies so that I won’t need the allergy shots, the better…but unfortunately, at the time I couldn’t find anything that provides the allergy relief that worked and every year it got worse. I was afraid to go outside on a high pollen day and forget about playing golf!
This led me to get the allergy shots by my doctor. Yes, there was a relief but at the same time, I was still afraid to spend time outside. I think I had the shots for two years, and I also had my trusty backup of prescription tablets.
I remember one Saturday night; I had gone golfing 18 holes and after I got home, I took a nice long shower and washed my hair to make sure all pollen was off me, place my clothes in the washing machine, and went to bed. I woke up almost as soon as I went to bed and I couldn’t breathe. I got out of bed and started to panic but then I remember my SCUBA breathing training. Must relax…relax…relax. I started counting the in and out breathing through the mouth…I must have spent the entire night pacing while counting my breathing.
Was I scared? YES!
This led me to a serious research of why allergies, immediate allergy relief, natural cure for allergies, metaphysical cures for allergies…basically, anything to do with allergies and how to stop them.
Natural Allergy Relief I Tried
I tried apple cider vinegar. You take a reputable apple cider vinegar brand that has the “mother” which is a cloudy substance that sits at the bottom of the bottle. You drink it three times a day and it’s supposed to improve your allergies; thus, some allergy relief where you can sleep the night uninterupted. (
I also tried the Nety Pot to flush my sinuses with a saline solution which I hesitated big time because if you’ve ever had water go up your nose you know how much that hurts. But after a while it was ok. You just have to remember to do it (
I also tried eating local honey and pollen to my food but I couldn’t continue with this because I was traveling 80% of my time and carrying these around wasn’t possible. (
As I was doing my research, I came across an energy worker. She asked me if I had looked up the metaphysical or spiritual meaning of allergies. Well, I immediately went down this path...anything to get some allergy relief!
According to my research, allergies are “stuck energy”, resistance, fear. It symbolizes an aspect of the individual that has been rejected or repressed (
Ok…now we’re getting someplace! Nothing like getting to the root of the problem…you see, during my research I learned that everything that shows up in my health/body has a root problem in the emotional, mental, and spiritual body, and then it is manifested in the physical body! See emotional pain chart (
I worked with an energy practitioner who specialized in unblocking the blocks I had created in my mind and body. I also learned the technique myself because there’s nothing better than being self-sufficient, in my book. This is one of the first tools I learned in my energy facilitation career.
So, if you are suffering from allergies…perhaps looking for the root problem will also help you. I invite you to attend our Group Pain Relief Workshop, or schedule a private consultation, we would love to work with you.