
Natural Pain Relief

2k 0 02 Sep 2022

Natural Pain Relief Methods for Lower Back Pain Management

If you’re suffering from lower back pain, you know how debilitating it can be. You may not be able to work, play with your kids, or simply walk without struggling. Fortunately, there are several natural pain relief methods that can help you manage your pain while allowing you to live your life to the fullest again. Here are three of the best options.

Use Epsom Salt

Epsom salt or “bath salt” is a natural pain relief method that is added to a hot bath. Once Epsom salt is dissolved in water, it releases magnesium and sulfate ions. These particles are then absorbed through your skin, providing you with magnesium and sulfates which your body needs to detoxify.

Many people who experience lower back pain due to muscle overexertion use it regularly as a natural pain relief successfully. Some athletes have made it their home remedy so that they get to have pain relief without meds. This is well-known natural pain management for lower back pain since it’s been around for centuries!

Use Ice Compression Therapy

Ice Compression Therapy is another popular pain relief without meds method that we have available to us so that we get natural pain relief without meds. It’s best to use it right after exercise to reduce soreness. Using ice compression therapy to reduce pain and inflammation of your lower back after exercising will help your body heal itself faster and get rid of that pain. (more…)

Pain Management Without Meds

3k 0 02 Aug 2022

EnergyMDT pain relief without meds

Did you know that pain management without meds is a possibility for you?

Have you noticed how many people are saying that they have back pain these days?  In my energy facilitation practice, I get many people who are experiencing this.  When I ask what they’ve been doing to ease the pain, they are taking either their prescribed drug or over-the-counter painkillers. But did you know that you can also find pain management without meds?

It’s interesting to me that although there are alternative solutions for pain relief, people are still operating within the box for solutions. But did you know that you can have pain management without meds?

Please, don’t get me wrong, you should follow your doctor’s advice but look for something else as well.

You shouldn’t have to make pain something “natural” to your daily life.  You also can have pain management without meds!

For pain management without meds alternative solutions include:

  • Acupuncture: This solution has been in existence for a long time. It is part of traditional Chinese medicine. It is a technique for balancing the flow of energy or life force — known as chi or qi (chee) — believed to flow through pathways (meridians) in your body. When there is a pain in the body, it is because this flow of energy in the body is blocked. The practitioner inserts needles into specific parts of the body for the purpose of taking away the pain. If you’re afraid of needles, rest assured that you don’t feel them at all. The needles are so thin that you do not feel them and the benefits are that you get relief from the pain.
  • Massage therapy: It is used by both Eastern and Western cultures. It was one of the earliest solutions people have used to relieve pain. In this solution, the practitioner manipulates the soft tissues of the body which include muscles, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments, and joints.  The goal is to loosen up you mentally and physically; thus, releasing the pain.
  • Physical therapy and exercise: This is another alternative that is performed under the supervision of a physical therapist. He/she will guide you on the ideal exercise for your condition as well as education so that you can help yourself in the future. The more you do the exercises, the more your body relaxes and gets back to the balance it needs.
  • Rife Frequencies: A hidden secret. Dr. Royal R. Rife discovered the frequencies of all body ailments or dis-eases including cancer.  Rife is non-invasive and non-toxic. Additionally, you don’t even need to know more than how to do a YouTube search and you’ll be listening to frequencies that can help you heal that which ails you. Read more about this process in my blog here
  • Energy Healing: This solution has been around since ancient times; it is an energy medicine solution. There are many diverse modalities to modify and manipulate the flow of energy within the body. The intent is to realign, replenish or stabilize the amount and the quality of energy within the human body. This solution does not require needles or medicine. All it takes is being open to receiving and allowing the energies to work on your behalf. You are 100% in charge of what happens to you. The practitioner is only a channeler of energies.

As you read, you do not have to suffer…there are plenty of alternatives that do not have side effects!  There are solutions out there so that you can have pain management without meds.

We are here to help so that the pain does not become a part of your life and you can finally leap into joyful, abundant life and living while you practice pain management without meds!

Positive Thoughts and Experiences Shape Your Life

2k 0 29 Mar 2021

As we start to venture out into the world post-COVID, we want to make sure we look and feel our best in order to have the most positive experience possible. It’s been a long time since things were “normal,” and as we re-enter the world, we should take a step back and gauge our own feelings and anxieties about the situation. Even if you are remaining at home, for the time being, you deserve to look and feel your absolute best.

Let’s take a look at some of the ways you can improve your outlook as you ease into socially distanced gatherings and new experiences:

Stay positive

Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

The “feeling good” part of this equation can come from many different sources, but first and foremost, you need to improve the way you look at the world. Positive thinking leads to positive experiences, which can lower your stress levels and even combat depression. After a difficult year, everyone could use some extra good thoughts!

Positive thinking has also been linked to a longer life and healthier individuals in general. The idea is that when you’re thinking kind thoughts about yourself, you do more physical activity, experience less stress, and create better coping mechanisms that you can employ in times of high anxiety.

Your dental health

Before venturing out into the public, consider your dental health. Stress can negatively impact your oral health in numerous ways, including making the possibility of teeth grinding more prevalent. (more…)

The Science of Stress

3k 0 26 Jan 2021

For many years now, medical doctors have been warning people of the dangers of poor stress management due to the harm it does to the body and the mind.  Many people still believe that stress doesn’t affect the body and it’s “just a state of mind.”

But this is wrong…

The Science of Stress

Stress is a whole-body experience. So the thinking that “it” is really harmless because it is in some way restrained to our imagination is clearly a dangerous belief. An individual who is under constant streEnergyMDT Stress Managementss for many years is at a higher risk of having serious health conditions…one of them being high blood pressure.

So if you want to be physically healthier, you have to understand how stress actually affects the body – starts with the mental and emotional, followed by the psychological, and ends with the physiological or “fight and flight” response.

When the instinctual “fight or flight” response comes into play, a person immediately feels a surge of adrenaline, which temporarily increases a person’s speed, strength, and stamina. A person’s breathing rate and pulse rate also increase in preparation for sudden, intense physical activity. Stress normally lessens when the perceived threat or danger finally passes but the additional demand placed on the body organs and hormones has already been done and the body needs to recover.


Worry No More

2k 0 21 Jan 2021

EnergyMDT Worry Pain Relief

See…not everything is good or bad; worry no more!

For example, fire can be bad if it burns you.  It can also be good if it warms you on a cold night.

Same thing with worrying. Worry can be what makes you take action and correct something. But if you are constantly thinking of scenarios where things can go wrong, your mind will find it.  You are very creative and the mind plays along with you in these scenarios where your imagination will be much worse than it could possibly be.

Additionally, going down this path you will definitely do one thing.  This one thing will be to stress yourself about the multiple possibilities you are imagining; thus, creating stressors in your life (read our blog, the Science of Stress)

But do you know what?  You don’t have to worry and create stress for yourself.  You can break by training your brain to stay calm and look at life from a more positive perspective.

Some believe that by worrying and seeing all the ways something could go bad they are preparing themselves and looking for alternative solutions. Or perhaps you grew up thinking that worrying shows that you care about others’ well-being.  How much of this is really true?

Think about what worrying does to your physical body.  To your mental state? To your sleep?


Sources of Our Stress

2k 0 17 Jan 2021

Sources of stress come at us from all directions. Sometimes it’s subtle, and we have no idea what’s getting on our last nerve.

Other times, the source of stress, of course, it’s all too obvious:

Difficult relationships, a job we hate, a boss who acts like a dictator, a neighbor who favors middle-of-the-night, crank-the-music-up parties, the homeowner’s association that believes God put them in charge of your life, and I could go on and could you, I’m sure!

There’s not a whole lot of peace these days. This lack of peace gives us two choices: We can resent our struggle while we suffer, stagger, and lament our lot in life, or we can figure out possibilities for at least partial relief.

As you might guess, I recommend the latter plan of action. And I also recommend you cheer yourself on with “attaboy or attagirl!”–little rewards to encourage you along the way.  You are your best cheerleader, if you’re not, become one.

Developing solutions is much easier when you know the sources of your stress. Today, let’s talk about significant, but relatively unknown, stress that can reach out and snatch at us. (more…)

Unhealthy Relationships Can Cause Anxiety And Stress

2k 0 14 Jan 2021

Anxiety and Stress

Our relationships with others, whether it be our spouse, children, parents, in-laws, co-workers, or a host of many other types of relationships can cause anxiety and stress. A good and healthy relationship should be well-balanced and amicable between the parties involved. But when a relationship becomes one-sided, smothering, demanding, or disrespectful it can create extreme anxiety and stress-producing situations. EnergyMDT relationship anxiety and stress

In any relationship in which another person does not respect another person’s feelings, property, or rights, a person feels violated. The feelings that come from unhealthy relationships cause many emotions such as anger, aggression, depression, and resentment as well as an enormous amount of anxiety and stress.

In unhealthy marriage relationships, anxiety can be very profound as a partner may feel that they have nowhere to turn and that they must stay committed to the relationship due to many factors.

Another factor most individuals forget is the cumulative effect of holding on to emotions and stress. If you continuously hold on to feelings and emotions, you’ll be storing that in your body which will develop into aches and other body ailments.  For example, if you feel “pissed off”, you might develop incontinence.  If you feel unsupported, you might develop back pains…just something to keep in mind.

In abusive relationships, anxiety and stress are even more pronounced as a person is controlled, manipulated, and isolated. A person in these types of unhealthy relationships experiences extreme amounts of anxiety in that they are unsure of how to escape such a bad situation and equally more stressful when children are involved. (more…)

5 Ways to Deal With on-The-Job Anxiety

1k 0 08 Jan 2021


Anxiety disorder, one of the most common mental health issues affecting the American population, often goes unnoticed at the workplace. Though largely ignored, . The condition not only severely affects employees’ emotional and physical health but also impacts their careers by interfering with their productivity and performance.

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), employees have admitteEnergyMDT Career Burnoutd that stress and anxiety most often impact their workplace performance (56 percent), relationship with coworkers and peers (51 percent), quality of work (50 percent), and relationships with superiors (43 percent).

Overall, a certain level of anxiety, preferably within a comfort zone, at the workplace is not always bad as it helps one in staying focused and improving performance. However, if stress-triggered due to the pressure of meeting deadlines, interpersonal relationships, etc., begins to interfere with one’s personal life, it’s time to seek help or reflect.

I remember in my IT cybersecurity career while I was working as the lead on a project, I started to feel anxiety but because I had never had it before, I didn’t know what it was.  I’d go to the datacenter and I’d start feeling agitated, short of breath…sometimes I even had shaky hands.  Of course, the first thing you think about is, “I’m having a heart attack”.  Then I started paying attention when I’d get this…we were under extreme pressure to meet deadlines and my feeling at the time was that management was not behind the project; we were left to sink or swim. I had to learn to prepare myself to go into the datacenter, deal with the application engineers and others while at the same time care for me. (more…)

Brain Study for Different Reactions to Stress

1k 0 05 Jan 2021

Stress and anxiety are an inevitable part of one’s life and there cannot be a utopian planet to escape from their wriggle. Stress-induced ailments made businesses in the United States incur a loss of an astronomical $300 billion a year through absenteeism, diminished productivity, employee turnover, and direct medical, legal, and insurance fees, as per a 2006 survey of the American Psychological Association (APA).

While many get bogged down by anxiety and stress, many others remain unfazed even in trying times. Their threshold to weather stress and anxiety is higher than their counterparts. According to scientists, the difference lies in certain brain areas that dictate the way one behaves during stress and anxiety.

A study, published in the Frontiers in Neural Circuits in March 2016, found that the stressed brain revealed certain patterns and identified a list of brain areas that might have a critical role to play in stress-induced depression.

Conducting the experiment and mapping the brain activity of mice placed under stress, they found a stark difference in brain activities of mice showing helpless behavior from those who displayed resilient behavior.

This could also be a solid premise for identifying new targets for the treatment of depression. The brain activities revealed in the study open up a huge pool of information for future investigations on depression treatment, anxiety disorder, and stress.

Brain and Stress Study (more…)

10 Easy Ways to Promote Mind-Body Wellness

1k 0 22 Dec 2020

Keeping an eye on your own mind-body wellness is vitally important to personal health, wellness, and happiness. In essence, we are all responsible for our own health and overall wellness as each day we make a myriad of choices that affect both. Certainly, there are some things we cannot change, as is often the case with some disabilities and health conditions. However, there is so much we can do to provide self-care that promotes longevity and quality of life. We decide for ourselves what we eat, what we do, the places we go, and the people we choose to have around us. All of these go a long way to make or break a healthy lifestyle. We also are able to decide what we think about, what thoughts we entertain, and which ones we evict.

Here is a list of 10 Ways to Promote Mind-Body Wellness:

1. Try not to take yourself too seriously

2. Purge your relationships with anyone who is toxic to you

3. Be sure and surround yourself with positive people

4. Don’t overbook yourself

EnergyMDT wellness

5. Monitor your stress level daily

6. Take prescription meds only as directed

7. Take over-the-counter medication sparingly

8. Get outside for fresh air and Vitamin D

9. Be sure and get 7 or more hours of sleep per night

10. Walk or exercise regularly and eat a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables
