Pain Management Without Meds

Pain Management Without Meds

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EnergyMDT pain relief without meds

Did you know that pain management without meds is a possibility for you?

Have you noticed how many people are saying that they have back pain these days?  In my energy facilitation practice, I get many people who are experiencing this.  When I ask what they’ve been doing to ease the pain, they are taking either their prescribed drug or over-the-counter painkillers. But did you know that you can also find pain management without meds?

It’s interesting to me that although there are alternative solutions for pain relief, people are still operating within the box for solutions. But did you know that you can have pain management without meds?

Please, don’t get me wrong, you should follow your doctor’s advice but look for something else as well.

You shouldn’t have to make pain something “natural” to your daily life.  You also can have pain management without meds!

For pain management without meds alternative solutions include:

  • Acupuncture: This solution has been in existence for a long time. It is part of traditional Chinese medicine. It is a technique for balancing the flow of energy or life force — known as chi or qi (chee) — believed to flow through pathways (meridians) in your body. When there is a pain in the body, it is because this flow of energy in the body is blocked. The practitioner inserts needles into specific parts of the body for the purpose of taking away the pain. If you’re afraid of needles, rest assured that you don’t feel them at all. The needles are so thin that you do not feel them and the benefits are that you get relief from the pain.
  • Massage therapy: It is used by both Eastern and Western cultures. It was one of the earliest solutions people have used to relieve pain. In this solution, the practitioner manipulates the soft tissues of the body which include muscles, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments, and joints.  The goal is to loosen up you mentally and physically; thus, releasing the pain.
  • Physical therapy and exercise: This is another alternative that is performed under the supervision of a physical therapist. He/she will guide you on the ideal exercise for your condition as well as education so that you can help yourself in the future. The more you do the exercises, the more your body relaxes and gets back to the balance it needs.
  • Rife Frequencies: A hidden secret. Dr. Royal R. Rife discovered the frequencies of all body ailments or dis-eases including cancer.  Rife is non-invasive and non-toxic. Additionally, you don’t even need to know more than how to do a YouTube search and you’ll be listening to frequencies that can help you heal that which ails you. Read more about this process in my blog here
  • Energy Healing: This solution has been around since ancient times; it is an energy medicine solution. There are many diverse modalities to modify and manipulate the flow of energy within the body. The intent is to realign, replenish or stabilize the amount and the quality of energy within the human body. This solution does not require needles or medicine. All it takes is being open to receiving and allowing the energies to work on your behalf. You are 100% in charge of what happens to you. The practitioner is only a channeler of energies.

As you read, you do not have to suffer…there are plenty of alternatives that do not have side effects!  There are solutions out there so that you can have pain management without meds.

We are here to help so that the pain does not become a part of your life and you can finally leap into joyful, abundant life and living while you practice pain management without meds!